The Gift in the music teachers' biography

A maussian analysis of teacher training in Portugal and Brazil




Teacher development in music, Experiential knowledge, Gift


This study sought to understand how the sociocultural and socioeconomic contexts influences/ interferes/modifies the teacher development process of the music teachers who participated in this research, in the light of the perspective of gift, by Marcel Mauss. Following a qualitative methodology, we opted for the narrative interview, a dynamic method that is based on the pedagogical practice of educators. As a result of this study, we have reached the conclusion that there are diverse dimensions of musical education where the interviewees defend a sensitive listening to their own path, conceiving a pedagogical path guided by alterity and gift.


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Author Biographies

Anderson Brasil, Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia, Brazil

He has a post-doctorate in Education from the University of Lisbon (ULisboa). Doctorate in Music by the Federal University of Bahia, Master and Graduation in Music by the same institution. Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia. Leader of the ECOMUSPP research group - Ecology, Music and Pedagogical Practices. He develops research on the following topics: Music Education, social inequality and social projects. Singer, composer and instrumentalist, he had some of his songs recorded on CDs of some of the biggest music festivals in Brazil.

Ana Luísa Paz, Education Institute, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon and a researcher at UIDEF - Research & Development Unit in Education and Training. PhD in Education - History of Education by the same Institute of Education, she is also a Master in Sociology - Sociology of Education from Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a degree in History from Universidade de Lisboa. She has published on the history of education and artistic education and, in particular, on the trajectories of musicians. She is also interested in questions of higher education pedagogy and arts education.

Ana Paula Viana Caetano, Education Institute, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Associate Professor at the Institute of Education at the University of Lisbon, and has a doctorate and a master's degree in Educational Sciences from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Lisbon. She coordinates the PhD in Education - specializing in Teacher Education and Supervision, and the Masters in Education and Training - Social and Cultural Development. She researches themes related to teacher training, citizenship and higher education, with national and international publications in specialized magazines and books, namely on ethical teacher training, socio-educational mediation, intercultural and emotional education, (cyber) bullying, educational inclusion and arts education.


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How to Cite

Brasil, Anderson, Ana Luísa Paz, and Ana Paula Viana Caetano. 2021. “The Gift in the Music teachers’ Biography: A Maussian Analysis of Teacher Training in Portugal and Brazil”. Per Musi, no. 40 (June):1-19.



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