Song as multimodal genre

a study in the cycle Volare




Song genre, Multimodality, Musical composition, Sônia Cintra, Poetry


The article aims to discuss ways in which poetry and music are interrelated in the construction of meanings and their deviations in the song genre; and to propose the understanding of song as a multimodal genre. Our objects of study are the reflections on the readings of Sônia Cintra's poems (1949-2018) for the creation of the song cycle Volare (2018), undertaken by Tadeu Taffarello, for low-pitched female voice and string orchestra. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, song will be discussed as a multimodal genre and the creation contexts will be presented. Then, the songs from Volares will be grouped according to the thematic axes, demonstrating the orchestration and global structuring of the cycle. As a final result, it is intended that new approaches to the song genre may occur, based on an interdisciplinary perspective that seeks to open up new possibilities for scientific development and to collaborate for the understanding of the song genre and of current Brazilian music.


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Author Biographies

Tadeu Moraes Taffarello, State University of Campinas, Brazil

Tadeu Moraes Taffarello (1978) is a composer and music researcher. He started his studies as a child at the School of Music in Jundiaí-SP. As a teenager, he took classes in theory and musical perception with conductor Cláudia de Queiroz. Subsequently, he graduated in Music Composition (2001) from the University of Campinas (Unicamp), where he also developed his masters (2004) and doctoral (2010) studies in music, having as advisors respectively Profa. Dr. Maria Lúcia Senna Machado Pascoal and Prof. Dr. Silvio Ferraz. He has acted as a professor in music at the Federal University of Uberlândia (2003-2005), State University of Londrina (2005-2006 and 2012-2015), São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (2010) and Santa Marcelina College (2010) ). As a researcher, he works with the Coordination of Contemporary Music Documentation (CDMC), an agency linked to the Center for Cultural Integration, Documentation and Diffusion (CIDDIC) at Unicamp. As a composer, he focuses his production on vocal and/or instrumental works.

Maria Cristina de Moraes Taffarello, Padre Anchieta Universitary Centre, Brazil

Doctor and Master in Linguistics, graduated in Letters and Bachelor in Linguistics from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). She has experience in the field of Letters, with an emphasis on Linguistics and Portuguese Language. At the Padre Anchieta University Center (UNIANCHIETA), Jundiaí, SP, she was a professor in Graduate and Undergraduate courses, participated in the Research Group on Discursive and Textual Practices, and coordinated the Revista Intersecções. She is a member of the editorial board of several journals in other institutions and a member of the “GT - ANPOLL - Linguística Textual e Análise da Conversação”.


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How to Cite

Taffarello, Tadeu Moraes, and Maria Cristina de Moraes Taffarello. 2021. “Song As Multimodal Genre: A Study in the Cycle Volare”. Per Musi, no. 41 (September):1-35.



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