The non-tonal construction in the song Jóia by Caetano Veloso



Popular song, Non-tonal music, Modal harmony, Caetano Veloso


Study about the relation between the poetical and the musical text in the song Jóia by Brazilian singer-composer Caetano Veloso. The non-tonal compositional procedures are analyzed in accordance to the lyrics’ meaning. This study is part of a larger research project concerning popular songs in which harmony was distanced from tonality.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Segreto, University of São Paulo (Brazil) - (USP)

Marcelo Segreto is a composer, singer, guitarist and researcher born in São Paulo. He graduated in letters at FFLCH-USP and in music (composition) at ECA-USP. He is currently pursuing his master's degree in linguistics at FFLCH-USP under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Luiz Tatit, developing research on the canonical language of rap. He graduated in classical guitar at the Universidade Livre de Música - ULM with Éverton Gloeden. He conducted a scientific initiation project on popular song composition with a scholarship from FAPESP under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Paulo de Tarso Salles. He is the composer and creator of the group Filarmônica de Pasárgada. He won the 17th edition of the Programa Nascente of USP in the popular music category with the project "Enfartando Tinhorão", the 1st Unicamp Song Festival, and the 41st National Song Festival (FENAC). He was one of the five finalists in the 2nd Musique Award of the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo/Rádio Eldorado whose songs were sent to the composer Tom Zé. Selected in the 2011 ProAC (State Secretariat of Culture) for recording an album, he released his first CD, O Hábito da Força, in 2013, with musical production by Alê Siqueira and graphic design by Guto Lacaz. With the Pasárgada Philharmonic, he participated in the recording of the EP Tribunal do Feicebuqui by composer Tom Zé.


CANDÉ, Roland de. História universal da música. 2ª edição. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001.

KOSTKA, Stefan M. Materials and Techniques of Twentieth-Century Music. 3ª edição. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, 2006.

TATIT, Luiz. A canção: eficácia e encanto. São Paulo: Atual, 1986.

TATIT, Luiz. O Cancionista. São Paulo: Edusp, 2002.

VELOSO, Caetano. Araçá Azul. LP 6349054. Philips,1973.

VELOSO, Caetano. Jóia. LP 6349132. Philips, 1975.

WISNIK, José Miguel. O Som e o Sentido. São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1989.



How to Cite

Segreto, Marcelo. 2014. “The Non-Tonal Construction in the Song Jóia by Caetano Veloso”. Per Musi, no. 30 (November):1-8.



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