The anonymous collective and the network/conspiracy of genres

plural subjectivations and intertextuality in 1960’s Brazil


  • Álvaro Simões Corrêa Neder Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ) (Brazil)


Intertextuality in Brazilian MPB and Tropicália, Subjectivity in music, Musical discourse and genre


This paper highlights the scarcely understood plurality of genres in 1960s MPB and Tropicália, correlating it to the decade’s upheavals. In this ethnomusicological research, music genres were taken as discourses, and different genres were perceived as the discourses of different social and cultural groups. Investigating this phenomenon through the concept of intertextuality, I analyzed how cultural identities built around delimited genres were deconstructed by the rupture of the frontiers between genres.


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Author Biography

Álvaro Simões Corrêa Neder, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ) (Brazil)

He is ethno/musicologist and professor of undergraduate and graduate studies at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ). He holds a PhD in Music from UNIRIO (2012) and a Multidisciplinary PhD in Literature (Brazilian Literature, Language and Literature Theory) from PUC-Rio (2007). She was a Teacher Assistant at Brown University during part of her PhD internship there, teaching the Introduction to Ethnomusicology course. He published the book Creativity in Education: Can Schools Learn with the Jazz Experience? (WCP, USA, 2002). His doctoral thesis on the MPB of the 60s was selected by the Graduate Program in Literature at PUC-Rio to represent the program in the 2008 Capes National Grand Prix of Doctoral Theses. As a music critic, he has published texts for several reference books released in the USA and over 2,300 articles in the American press. Since 1980 he has worked as a music teacher, musician and music producer, and was a member of the Old Time String Band, coordinated by ethnomusicologist Jeff Titon.

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How to Cite

Neder, Álvaro Simões Corrêa. 2014. “The Anonymous Collective and the network/conspiracy of Genres: Plural Subjectivations and Intertextuality in 1960’s Brazil”. Per Musi, no. 30 (November):1-9.



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