Writing word (Bilac, Iessiênin and Augusto de Campos) and singing word (Toquinho and Belchior)

stylistical aspects of the poem and the song in Literature and Brazilian Popular Music (MPB)



Discoursive stylistics in popular music, Dialogical discourse analysis, Discoursive fields and discourse genre, Literature, poem and song, Olavo Bilac, Sierguéi Iessiênin, Augusto de Campos, Toquinho, Belchior


Assuming Literature and Brazilian Popular Music (MPB) as discoursive practices, this paper aims at analysing the stylistical aspects of three propositions of the genres poem and song, stated in the literary and “verbomusical” discoursive fields which are in intertextual dialogue. The analysed texts, under the perspective of Bakhtin and his Circle, are the poem Até logo, até logo, companheiro, as translated by Augusto de Campos from the original by Sierguéi Iessiênin; the almost homonymous song, set to music by Toquinho, from the translation by Campos; and the song Até mais ver, an adaptation of the poem by Iessiênin, as recorded by Belchior – who also refers to the poem In extremis, by Olavo Bilac. In our research, we verified how the interdiscoursive relation takes place, either contractual or polemycal, established by the author-creators Augusto de Campos, Toquinho and Belchior, from the original by Sierguéi Iessiênin.


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Author Biography

Josely Teixeira Carlos, University of São Paulo (Brazil) - (USP)

Josely Teixeira Carlos holds a PhD in Literature from the University of São Paulo (USP), having developed since 2009 research on Brazilian popular music in the area of Discourse Analysis and within the "Study Group on Rhetoric and Argumentation" (GERAR). His thesis addresses the polemical relations between the composer Belchior and other songwriters of Brazilian music, such as Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil. Between 2011 and 2012, he performed, with a CAPES scholarship, a sandwich internship at the Universities Paris-Sorbonne and Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, under the guidance of Professor Dominique Maingueneau. She holds a BA in Languages (2003) and a Master's in Linguistics (2007) from the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). She is a radio broadcaster, editor and proofreader, having worked for Radio Universitária de Fortaleza and for the Government of the State of Ceará. As a teacher, she has taught Linguistics, Discourse Analysis and Portuguese Language at the Federal and State Universities of Ceará and at the University of Vale do Acaraú (UVA). In these institutions, she participated in advisory boards and oriented undergraduate and graduate students. She also worked as a tutor for Distance Learning at UFC and Faculdade Integrada da Grande Fortaleza (FGF). From 2004 to 2009 she was a member of the research group "Discourse, Daily Life and Cultural Practices" (DISCUTA), at UFC. She has experience in the area of Languages, mainly in Linguistics and Discourse Analysis.


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How to Cite

Carlos, Josely Teixeira. 2014. “Writing Word (Bilac, Iessiênin and Augusto De Campos) and Singing Word (Toquinho and Belchior): Stylistical Aspects of the Poem and the Song in Literature and Brazilian Popular Music (MPB)”. Per Musi, no. 29 (June):1-17. https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/permusi/article/view/39199.



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