Phallic word

on divine eroticism in the song Sobre todas as coisas (About everything) by Chico Buarque and Edu Lobo



Música popular brasileña, Análisis verbo-musical, Chico Buarque y Edu Lobo


This article aims at performing an interpretive analysis of the song Sobre Todas as Coisas (About everything) by Brazilian Chico Buarque and Edu Lobo, originally recorded on the long play O Grande Circo Místico (1983). Departing from the idea of the song as a space that combines verbal text (the lyrics) and musical text (melody, harmony and rhythm) seen in mutual relation, I try to understand the correspondences between these two texts and contribute to the discursive construction of the feeling of love, that is the affection scenario in which an erotic narrator sings the sensual chant of his desire. Due to the relationship perceived between a Christian-based speech and some sensuality in the song Sobre Todas as Coisas, we also put in perspective the poem O Grande Circo Místico, published by Brazilian Jorge de Lima on A Túnica Inconsútil (1938), as well as references from the Holy Bible.


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Author Biography

Márcio Ronei Cravo Soares, Inconfidência Radio Network, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)

Master's in Music (UFMG) and Bachelor's in Literature-Portuguese (UFES). He works as a college professor in private colleges in Belo Horizonte, teaching subjects related to the production and interpretation of texts. He participates in popular music formations (Jazz, MPB and Rock), as a bass and guitar player. He is a radio announcer for Rede Inconfidência de Rádio, an agency linked to the Secretary of Culture of the State of Minas Gerais. He has published short stories and poems in anthologies. He has published academic articles in the areas of Music, Literature and Linguistics.


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CHEDIAK, Almir. Harmonia e improvisação. 16 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Lumiar Editora, s.d.

FARACO, Carlos E.; MOURA, Francisco Marto de. Literatura brasileira. 10 ed. São Paulo: Ática, 1994.

LIMA, Jorge de. Antologia poética. Rio de Janeiro: Sabiá, 1969.

PLATãO. O Banquete - Apologia de Sócrates. Tradução de Carlos Alberto Nunes. 2 ed. rev. Belém: EDUFPA, 2001.

SANDRONI, Carlos. Adeus à MPB. In: Decantando a república: inventário histórico e político da canção popular moderna brasileira. CAVALCANTE, Berenice; STARLING, Heloisa M. M.; EISENBERG, José (org.). Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira; São Paulo: Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2004. (Vol 1)

TATIT, Luiz. O cancionista: composição de canções no Brasil. 2 ed. São Paulo: EDUSP, 2002.

ULHÔA, Martha Tupinambá de. Nova história, velhos sons: notas para ouvir e pensar a música brasileira popular. In: Debates, vol. 01. Rio de Janeiro: CLA/Unirio, 1997, p.80-99.



How to Cite

Soares, Márcio Ronei Cravo. 2014. “Phallic Word: On Divine Eroticism in the Song Sobre Todas As Coisas (About Everything) by Chico Buarque and Edu Lobo”. Per Musi, no. 29 (June):1-7.



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