Cycles of thirds in certain songs of popular music in Brazil



Cycles of thirds, Tonal plan, Theory and criticism of popular music


Due to the changes that characterize the history of art and theory of harmonic tonality, tonal plans that cover the so-called cycles of minor thirds (C:A:F#:Eb:C:) and cycles of major thirds (C:E:Ab:C:) have become an expansion and renovation solution that affected different genres and styles of music. By studying the use of these symmetrical plans in Brazilian songs from the second half of the twentieth century, this paper attempts to shed light on how such choices can have an impact on the valuation of works and artists in the field of popular music.


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Author Biography

Sérgio Paulo Ribeiro de Freitas, University of Santa Catarina (UDESC) (Brazil)

Professor at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC, Florianópolis) and member of the research groups "Music-instrumental processes" (UDESC) and "Popular Music: history, production and language" (UNICAMP). He holds a PhD in music from the State University of Campinas (cf. FREITAS, 2010) and works in the areas of theory, music analysis, counterpoint, arrangement and tonal harmony. He is currently developing the research "For everything in life there is a chord: the persistence of romantic ideas in the appreciation of popular music" (PROPPG, UDESC)


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How to Cite

Freitas, Sérgio Paulo Ribeiro de. 2014. “Cycles of Thirds in Certain Songs of Popular Music in Brazil”. Per Musi, no. 29 (June):1-22.



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