Conventions and Inventions around of the topic 5 - #5 - 6 in the nationalist musical process in Brazil


  • George Manoel Farias Santa Catarina State Public Teaching Network (Brazil)


Roy Wagner, Theory of topics, Nationalism in Brazilian Popular Music, Ary Barroso, Pixinguinha, Gonzaguinha


This article aims at investigating the consolidation of topic 5 - #5 - 6 in Brazilian Music, as well as its use as a national element in songs of compositors as Pixinguinha, Ary Barroso and Gonzaguinha, seeking to establish a dialogue with the semiotic theory of Roy Wagner, that investigates the continuous process of transformation which the simbolic elements of any cutural group are subject.


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Author Biography

George Manoel Farias, Santa Catarina State Public Teaching Network (Brazil)

Master in Music (Musicology - Ethnomusicology) from the State University of Santa Catarina (2010), when, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Acácio Tadeu de Camargo Piedade, developed a dissertation entitled entitled Um Tabuleiro Bem Brasileiro: Ary Barroso e o Processo de Construção de uma Expressão Musical Nacional. He works professionally as an effective teacher of Arts in the State Public Education Network of the State of Santa Catarina, since 2002, teaching music education at the elementary and high school levels. He has professional experience as a musician. musician, currently integrating, as a trumpet player, the band Sociedade Musical União Josefense. He has also been a member, as a guitarist, of the Orquestra Musical União Josefense, as a guitarist, the UDESC Guitar Orchestra (1997-1998) and, as a guitarist, the UDESC Big Band (2002) and the the band Roadhouse (1997 - 2004).


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How to Cite

Farias, George Manoel. 2014. “Conventions and Inventions Around of the Topic 5 - #5 - 6 in the Nationalist Musical Process in Brazil”. Per Musi, no. 29 (June):1-7.



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