The Bossa Nova movement and the music of Ceará of the 1970s



Bossa Nova movement, Music of Ceará, Discursive polemic


In this paper we show that the antibossanovist attitude evidenced musically by the voices, the genres and arrangements of the artists of “Pessoal do Ceará” also occurs in the textual aspect of the songs of these artists who appeared in the Brazilian music scene in the 1970s. To illustrate this discussion, we analyze the songs Berro and Abertura (EDNARDO, 1976) from the point of view of discourse analysis. The findings reinforce the thesis that in parallel to the evolutionary line opened by Bossa Nova movement in the popular Brazilian music, other lines, originating from musical environments far from southeastern Brazil, evolved at the same time exploring opportunities offered by Bossa Nova and drawing an own musical and textual style.


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Author Biographies

Nelson Barros da Costa, Federal University of Ceará (UFC) (Brazil)

Master in Education (UFC) and PhD in Applied Linguistics (PUC/SP - Université de Rouen - FR), with post-doctorate at the University of Paris XII (Val de Marne). He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Vernacular Literature at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). He teaches, researches and supervises dissertations and thesis at the UFC's Postgraduate Linguistics Program in the area of Discourse Analysis applied to Brazilian literary-musical discourse. She coordinates the Discourse, Daily Life and Cultural Practices research group (Discuta Group -

Maria das Dores Nogueira Mendes, Federal University of Ceará (UFC) / CNPq (Brazil)

Master's and PhD in Linguistics from the Federal University of Ceará. Research about Brazilian popular music, specifically about the music from Ceará, using the French Discourse Analysis, in the perspective of Dominique Maingueneau Dominique Maingueneau's perspective, as a basic theory. She is a professor at the Teacher Training Course in Portuguese Language and and its Literatures at the Faculdade Integrada da Grande Fortaleza (FGF). She also teaches and supervises monographs of Language and Literature, with emphasis on Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. She also works as a tutor in the Language and Literature Semi-Presential Graduation Course Language, organized by Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Universidade Federal do Ceará and Instituto UFC Virtual. She is a member of the Discourse, Daily Life and Cultural Practices research group (Discuta Group).


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How to Cite

Costa, Nelson Barros da, and Maria das Dores Nogueira Mendes. 2014. “The Bossa Nova Movement and the Music of Ceará of the 1970s”. Per Musi, no. 29 (June):1-9.



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