Under the Muses, on technics

an investigation of possible interfaces between post-humanism and music





post-humanism, altruism, conviviality, telematics, music


The actuality of a symbiosis between art and media, our object of study, presents itself in close relationship with the human aspect of ancient Greek reflection on art. In order to investigate the role of this relationship for contemporary understanding on possible social “places” of art, we relate the term μουσική τέχνη (mousikḗ tékhnē) to telematics, as described by Vilém Flusser, which means the consideration of otherness and altruism in aesthetic fruition. Thus, our methodology places music in front of the current post-humanist reflection, that discusses the social, political and ecological scope of a collective altruism, which we contextualize here in the symbolic aspect of music and in its fruition. Our conclusions include the discussion about the resort to a Greek heritage, the echoes of utilitarianism and the understanding of art as a collective and altruistic form of human interrelationship.


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Author Biography

Marta Castello Branco, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil

She is a professor in the Music Department of the Institute of Arts and Design at Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Brazil, and in the Postgraduate Program in Arts, Culture, and Languages at the same institution. She did a doctorate at the University of the Arts in Berlin (Universität der Künste Berlin - UdK) on the relationship between Vilém Flusser's philosophy of new media and contemporary music (2014). Among her publications are the books: "Reflections on Music and Technique" (UFBA, 2012), "The Musical Instrument as Apparatus" (UFJF, 2015), the organization, translation, and presentation of the book "On Music. Vilém Flusser" (Annablume, 2017). In 2018 she did postdoctoral studies at the Aryamarga Institute, India. Current research themes include the relationship between music, culture, and society, studies of the relationship between technique, materiality, and musical expression, universalism, and essentialism in music. 


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How to Cite

Branco, Marta Castello. 2022. “Under the Muses, on Technics: An Investigation of Possible Interfaces Between Post-Humanism and Music”. Per Musi, no. 42 (July):1-19. https://doi.org/10.35699/2317-6377.2022.39909.



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