Meraviglia and knowledge in Italian Literature from Tasso to Vico



Marvelous, Poetics, Renaissance, Baroque, Tasso, Patrizi, Tesauro, Vico


It is a commonplace to associate Baroque and meraviglia. After having placed Marino’s verse, è del poeta il fin la meraviglia, my paper will discuss Tasso’s poetic conceptions, which unite the marvelous and the verisimilar within the framework of religion (that is to say as a representation of the supernatural). Tasso’s statement that all that is meaningful is true, is discussed here referring to love episodes in his poem, Jerusalem Delivered. The paper will deal with the theoretical writing of Francesco Patrizi, who in his Deca Ammirabili defines the poet as a creator of the marvelous, and it will also deal with the Cannocchiale Aristotelico by Emanuele Tesauro.


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Author Biographies

Erminia Ardissimo, University of Turin (Italy)

Erminia Ardissimo is chair of Italian literature at the University of Torino. She obtained her Ph.D. at Yale University, and her Research Doctorate at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. She has published two volumes on Torquato Tasso: "L'aspra tragedia" Poesia e sacro in Torquato Tasso (Firenze, Olschki, 1996) and Tasso, Plotino, Ficino. In margine a un postillato (Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2003); a volume on sacred baroque oratory: Il Barocco e il sacro. La predicazione del teatino Paolo Aresi tra letteratura, immagini e scienza (Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2001), a book on Italian literature of the 17th century (Il Seicento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005), and another on Dante (Tempo liturgico e tempo storico nella "Commedia" di Dante, Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2010). He has edited Poemi biblici del Seicento (Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2005), the Trattato delle acutezze by Matteo Peregrini (Torino, RES, 1997), a selection of Galileo's letters (with commentaries, Rome, Carocci, 2008). Together with with Sabrina Stroppa wrote Leggere testi letterari (Milano, Bruno Mondadori-Paravia, 2001). She received an award from the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies at Columbia University Fellowship (2009) for her research on "The Emergence of Modernity in Seventh-Century Italian Literature".

Silvana Scarinci, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) (Brazil)

Silvana Scarinci studies music of the 16th and 17th centuries, especially Italian vocal music, from interdisciplinary perspectives, with emphasis on literature, genre and the classical tradition. She published the book Safo Novella: a poetics of abandonment in the laments of Barbara Strozzi (Venice, 1619 - 1677) (EDUSP and ALGOL publishers, 2008). She is an active lute player, dedicating herself mainly to the English, Italian, and French repertoires of the 16th and 17th centuries. She teaches undergraduate and graduate music at UFPR.


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How to Cite

Ardissimo, Erminia, and Silvana Scarinci. 2011. “Meraviglia and Knowledge in Italian Literature from Tasso to Vico”. Per Musi, no. 24 (July):1-14.




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