Carlos Guastavino and Lima Quintana’s contribution to the world of the Argentinean New Song


  • Silvina Luz Mansilla Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)


Carlos Guastavino, Argentinean New Song, Censorship, Mercedes Sosa, Folk song


Study about the song Hermano by Argentinean composer Carlos Guastavino written after a poem by Hamlet Lima Quintana. Dedicated to the editor Rómulo Lagos, the song was recorded by the Argentinean singer Mercedes Sosa in 1966. Applying the notion of “art worlds” by Howard BECKER (1982), we interpret the persons net connected with Lagos publishing, as a co-operative and interwoven fabric that effectively worked until the mid 1970s. A sketch of the following context, signed by the Argentinean censorship, reveals some factors that had influence on the crack of that collaborative net. Although it concerns Guastavino, our approach is concerned with connection and not to belonging.


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Author Biography

Silvina Luz Mansilla, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)

D. in Arts from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires. Bachelor and Professor of Music, specializing in Musicology from the Catholic University of Argentina and Professor of Piano, graduated from the National Conservatory of Music "Carlos López Buchardo". She teaches "Latin American and Argentine Music" at the University of Buenos Aires, and also teaches "History of Argentine Music" at the Faculty of Arts and Musical Sciences of the Catholic University of Argentina. Author of articles on Argentine academic music of the 20th century, tutor of the research team La música en la prensa periódica argentina (UBACyT F-831), she has been granted a scholarship by the Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales y Científicas, Spain (2000) and by the Fondo de Música de Argentina (2000). She has received grants from the Spanish Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales y Científicas (2000) and the Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Argentina (2003). Contributor to the Diccionario de la Música Española published in Madrid by the SGAE, she has obtained subsidies from the Fondo Metropolitano de Cultura del Fondo Metropolitano de Cultura del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (2000) and from the Fondo Nacional de las Artes of Argentina (2003). Government of the City of Buenos Aires (2005) and from the Swiss Familie Vontolben Foundation (2007).


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Sitio electrónico

Sitio oficial de Mercedes Sosa: Último acceso: 10 de marzo de 2009.



How to Cite

Mansilla, Silvina Luz. 2011. “Carlos Guastavino and Lima Quintana’s Contribution to the World of the Argentinean New Song”. Per Musi, no. 23 (January):1-9.



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