Frame drums in the world

a documentation proposal




Frame drum, Documentation, Percussion, Contexts of use


There is a wide variety of frame drums in the music and culture of different traditions around the world. With similar structural characteristics, they are organized into the same “family” of instruments, differing by morphological variants, forms of execution, timbre and contexts of use. This article lists and documents a series of frame drums from bibliographical sources, showing their histories, their organological characteristics, forms of execution and aspects of their musicality. This work is part of a research developed around the subject “pandeiro”, which highlights the relevance of percussion in dialogue with areas of historical and documentary research in music.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Vinicius Lacerda Schettini, University of the State of Paraná (UNESPAR - Campus II - FAP)

He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Percussion from the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná - UNESPAR. He has a specialization in "Teaching Music for Primary Education" from the same institution. He has a master's degree in Music Education from the Federal University of Paraná, with research linked to choro and the teaching of popular music. He is currently studying for a PhD in Music Education at UFPR. He is a professor at the State University of Paraná - UNESPAR - Campus II - FAP. He also teaches popular percussion at the Curitiba MPB Conservatory. He has experience in the Arts, with an emphasis on Music, working mainly as a musician, teacher and cultural producer. He conducts research into the teaching of popular music and Brazilian percussion. He is the author of the materials "Pandeirada Brasileira", "Pandeirada Brasileira Pocket Editon" , "Instrumentos e Ritmos Brasileiros Vol. I" Brazilian Instruments and Rhythms Vol. II" and "Brazilian Rhythms for Cajón". Still in the field of music education, he has developed four apps for IOS and ANDROID platforms entitled Percussion Brazil vol. I, Percussion Brazil vol. II, Pandeiro Brazil and Cajón Brazil. As a musician and/or teacher, he has participated in important music festivals in Brazil, Latin America, the United States and Europe, including PASIC 2010 and the Juliard School.He was a member of the Wind Orchestra and String Orchestra of the Curitiba MPB Conservatory.He has performed with various artists, including João Bosco, Carlos Malta, Hamilton de Holanda, Domiguinhos and We Spoke:New Music Company.He has performed on dozens of CDs and produced soundtracks for films, theater and advertising.He is a member of the group Mano a Mano Trio and the creator of the Curitiba International Percussion Festival.

Ana Paula Peters, University of the State of Paraná (UNESPAR - Campus Curitiba I- Belas)

Graduated in History from the Federal University of Paraná (1994), specialist in Music History from the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (1997), Master in Sociology from the Federal University of Paraná (2005), Graduated in Music from the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (2008), PhD in History from the Federal University of Paraná (2013) and Bachelor in Museology from Claretiano (2022).Adjunct Professor at UNESPAR, Curitiba I campus.Professor of the master's degree in Music at UNESPAR, research line Music, Culture and Society, and of the master's and doctorate degrees in Music at UFPR, research line Music Education and Cognition.Coordinator of the Music, Culture and Society Laboratory.Collaborating researcher at INET-md (Institute of Ethnomusicology - Center for Studies in Music and Dance) at the University of Aveiro in Portugal and MusiMid (Center for Studies in Music and Media).


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How to Cite

Schettini, Marcos Vinicius Lacerda, and Ana Paula Peters. 2023. “Frame Drums in the World: A Documentation Proposal”. Per Musi 24 (December):1-18.



Thematic Session RePercussions