Conducting pedagogues

a dialogue with Maestro Eduardo Lakschevitz, act I




Eduardo Lakschevitz, Conducting Teaching and Learning, Conductors Pedagogues


Sharing experiences of the academic, artistic and professional life on the Conducting field, leads to a reflection about the formation of conductors. What takes to be a Maestro? How to balance theory and praxis? Which teaching techniques are essential in a conductor formation? This interview is the first of a dialogue circuit with national (Brasil) and international Maestros. The first guest is the Professor and Maestro Eduardo Lakschevitz. On his path between Brazil and The United States, Lakschevitz works hardly as the coordinator and pedagogue of FUNARTE Choral Conducting Pannels, and his actions reflect on the production and dissemination of the choral repertoire and on training courses to conductors and musical educators. Giving voice to Maestros such Lakschevitz allows us to visualize new practical, conceptual and pedagogical perspectives, and leads our attention to the real necessities on the Conducting field: thinking and acting beyond the gestural techniques.


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Author Biographies

Erickinson Lima, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Doctor in Conducting (University of Aveiro). Integrated PhD Researcher at the Research Centre
on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers (CIDTFF), and a CEEC-IND
researcher at the “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia”. Assistant coordinator of the
Advanced Studies Group in Conducting. He is currently a professor in the e-learning music
degree program at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (DEaD-UERN).

André Muniz, Advanced Studies Group in Conducting (Natal/RN), Brazil

PhD in Music (orchestral performance/conducting) from the University of Montreal, Canada. He holds a master's degree in Arts from the State University of Campinas (2002). He has experience in the field of music with an emphasis on conducting, working mainly on the following subjects: conducting, Bach, interpretation of 20th and 21st century music, music and music education. He was director of the UFRN School of Music from 1999-2003 and artistic director and principal conductor of the RN Symphony Orchestra from 2007-2011. Currently Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the UFRN Philharmonic.

Eduardo Lakschevitz, Federal University of the State of do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Doctor in Music (UNIRIO) and master’s degree in Choral Conducting from the University of
Missouri-Kansas City (USA). Since 2007, he has been working as Pedagogical Coordinator of
the Choral Conducting Panels at FUNARTE, developing, at a national level, training courses
and events for conductors and educators, as well as projects for the production and
dissemination of choral repertoire.


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How to Cite

Lima, Erickinson, André Muniz, and Eduardo Lakschevitz. 2024. “Conducting Pedagogues: A Dialogue With Maestro Eduardo Lakschevitz, Act I”. Per Musi 25 (March):1-19.


