The Formation of Communities of Practice in Physics Teaching: An Analysis from Lesson Study Groups




Physics teaching, Teacher education, Community of practice, Lesson study


Professional development is something that has been discussed and is considered a key element for improving education. According to several authors, it occurs more effectively in collaborative actions. One of these ways is through lesson study. Lesson study is a Japanese methodology that was adapted in this paper so that we could use it in communities of practice. Community of practice consists of a group that comes together to develop shared ways of pursuing common interests. In this way, we created two groups with preservice and in-service physics teachers in which research lessons were developed, through lesson study, and applied to different classes, to be observed and discussed by peers. We used Wenger's indicators for the presence of community of practice to verify whether the lesson study activities provided formation of communities. As a result, during the formative meetings in both groups, we verified the existence of 11 of the 14 indicators mentioned. Therefore, we can conclude that the lesson study activities carried out resulted in the formation of two different communities of practice that enabled the professional development of all the actors involved.


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Author Biographies

Valeria Campos dos Santos, Escola Alef Peretz

Possui graduação em Química e mestrado em Agroquímica pela Universidade Federal de Lavras e doutorado em Ensino de Química pela Universidade de São Paulo. 

Agnaldo Arroio, Sao Paulo University

Possui graduação e mestrado em Química (Físico-Química) e doutorado em Ciências (Físico-Química) pela Universidade de São Paulo, graduação em Bacharelado em Imagem e Som: Produção Audiovisual pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Pós-doutorado em Educação pela Universidade de São Paulo e livre-docência em Ensino de Ciências pela Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo. Atualmente é professor Associado na Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo. Orienta e supervisiona mestrado, doutorado e pós-doutorado em Educação e Ensino de Ciências.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, M., Santos, V. C. dos, & Arroio, A. (2020). The Formation of Communities of Practice in Physics Teaching: An Analysis from Lesson Study Groups. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, 20(u), 1275–1306.


