Conceptual Fields and Electromagnetic Induction: Classification of Problems in Electrodynamics




Conceptual Fields, Electromagnetic Inductions, Problem-Situations


This research aims to present a theoretical-methodological framework for classifying situations in electrodynamics. The approach is based on the theory of conceptual fields and includes the classification of tasks in terms of the thought operations necessary for its resolution and its parameters. In this context, the relevance of this classification in the light of the mentioned theory is in regarding the referential feature of the concepts in teaching-learning processes, that is, considering the role of situations in sense making of conceptual and procedural learning. We propose for primary classes of situations, namely, description of electromagnetic interactions, analogic representation of electromagnetic fields, symbolic representation of electromagnetic fields and calculation of electromagnetic fields. These classes are irreducible among them but can occur simultaneously in the same situation. Each primary class is subdivided in secondary classes of tasks based on the parameters that can be attached to them and the latter are ordered by epistemological complexness. Building a conceptual field for electromagnetic induction implies in three immediate possibilities for Science Teaching research, namely, the study of the operatory knowledge attached to this concept, the psychological classification of situations and the addressing of processes of opportunism of conceptualization.


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How to Cite

Pantoja, G. C. (2021). Conceptual Fields and Electromagnetic Induction: Classification of Problems in Electrodynamics. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, e24370, 1–33.


