A big boss in higher education
an enunciative look about the gamification in textual genres teaching
Enunciation, Gamification, Distance EducationAbstract
This text is an experience report and presents the results of a research about the gamification strategies viability in Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), in the discipline "Text Production" from the Administration course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The main objective of this study is to resume a theoretical-methodological construct, applying it to a new context - distance learning (DE) - based on Gamification strategies from the perspective of Émile Benveniste's Enunciation Theory. Aiming to achieve this potential, the methodology proposes the analysis of specific classes (face-to-face and distance education), held in the first semester of 2019. The classes analysis and the feedback from nineteen students through a satisfaction survey suggest that more than 50% of the students classify the present gamification experience as something useful in their education. However, there are still aspects to be improved, such as maintaining students' confidentiality, rethinking the medals' value and defining the players' profile.
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