Evaluation of an experience of Dental Education students with active teaching methodologies in Histology class
Higher education, Dental education, HistologyAbstract
In search of improving the teaching-learning process in the health area, pedagogical strategies and tools, which enable a more active participation of students, have been proposed as alternatives to replace or complement conventional and unidirectional teaching, considering as presuppositions: the meaningful learning; the teacher as a mediator; and the need of learning how to learn. In this context, the present study evaluated the perception of students in Histology class, from the Dentistry degree program at Universidade Estadual Paulista in São José dos Campos/SP, after applying different pedagogical strategies from traditional expository classes. Based on the feedback received from the students about the experiences in the classroom, it was possible to verify positive evaluations, using active teaching methodologies and that, although opinions may diverge in some cases, the answers indicate that such methodologies can contribute to more effective learning during the degree program.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Isis Patrícia Soares Silva Dias, Mariana Raquel da Cruz Vegian, Tábata Prado Sato, Keila Cristina Miranda, Luana Marotta Reis de Vasconcellos, Miguel Angel Castillo Salgado, Marianne Spalding

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