University teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic

a view from Chile




University teaching, COVID-19 pandemic, Chile


This article aims to present a free report on a personal experience of university teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the Chilean university system. From a methodological point of view, the work was built from the articulation of a report based on the author's memory and personal experience, which allowed articulating a structured argumentation in several open reflections on being a university professor in the context of health emergencies. The results of this reflection were articulated through the categories of analysis of time, technology and pedagogical relationship. As a conclusion, some reflections are shared based on questions and reflections that emerged from the narrated and that present themselves as an opportunity to articulate new possible reflections.

Author Biography

  • Felipe Andres Zurita Garrido, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE), Ñuñoa, Chile.

    Profesor de Historia y Ciencias Sociales, Licenciado en Educación y Magíster en Educación, Mención Didáctica e Innovación Pedagógica (Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile). Doctor en Educación (Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil). Actualmente se desempeña como Profesor Investigador en el Departamento de Educación Básica de la Facultad de Filosofía y Educación de la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE), Chile.


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CHILE. Ministerio de Salud. Informe Epidemiológico Nº 42 Enfermedad por SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Santiago: Departamento de Epidemiologia, 14 de agosto de 2020.

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Docência universitária durante a pandemia da COVID-19: um olhar do Chile






Special section: teaching in higher education in pandemic times

How to Cite

University teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: a view from Chile. Revista Docência do Ensino Superior, Belo Horizonte, v. 10, p. 1–9, 2020. DOI: 10.35699/2237-5864.2020.24777. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.