Oppressor-oppressed relationship in contemporaneity
Paulo Freire, Praxis, Problematizing educationAbstract
The pandemic and the strengthening of oppressor-oppressed relationship in contemporaneity have characterized difficult times in Brazil, marked by moments of the conservative’s ideals advancement, and the questioning of social and educational values. In this essay, we revisit Freire’s works to dialogue about the oppressed ones in contemporaneity, and how the freeing praxis in teaching can overcome oppression, restoring humanity. This research utilizes the approach of qualitative nature and chooses as an investigative process the bibliographic study. In the analysis, the problematizing education can be the way to promote debates about social, economical, political, and cultural problems, leading to the true participation and the transforming formation of students. Freire’s theoretical-methodological perspective becomes highly relevant in the current political context, which can provide conditions to the oppressed to identify the alienation of the popular masses by narratives, by means of communication and in its relation to the world.
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