Evaluative Aspects of Metaphors in Journalistic Discourse
The Series of Reports Vaza Jato from The Intercept Brasil
cognition, metaphor, assessment, metaphorical cohesion, journalistic discourse, language in useAbstract
Based on Cognitive Linguistics, this article analyzes figurative processes, predominantly metaphor, in the context of current journalistic reports in Brazilian Portuguese. Considering the theoretical contributions of Conceptual Metaphor, by Lakoff and Johnson (2002 [1980]), and the notion of fictivity, by Talmy (2019 [2000]), the most relevant foundation has to do with Deignan’s (2010) understanding on evaluative metaphors. According to her, there are four ways for the metaphor to promote an evaluation: generated implications; evoked metaphorical scenarios; chosen source domains; explored connotations. From a methodological point of view, uses of metaphors were mapped in the first two texts of the series of reports Vaza Jato, launched by The Intercept Brasil, to integrate a qualitative-interpretative analysis. The results indicate that the journalistic discourse critically uses evaluative metaphors, as well as their respective imagery schemes and their implications, partially requesting the same figurative bases activated by the sources of information, characteristics which arise from the leaked data, suggesting the evaluative perspective of journalists on these messages. In the enunciative context of the analyzed reports, the selection of source domains proved to be crucial for the evaluative character of the metaphors. Another relevant aspect is the appropriation, by journalistic discourse, of evaluative metaphors arising from information sources, to use them argumentatively against these very sources. Finally, in terms of textual production, the reports resort to the same figurative and evaluative processes to obtain cohesion and coherence through metaphor.
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