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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

The Revista de Ciências do Estado accepts only unpublished works in the form of articles, essays, reviews, translations and historical memories. The texts must deal with the “Focus and Scope” of the Journal, available on the About > About the Journal page, besides the possible thematic dossiers, and can be submitted at any time through the site, filling in the required sections and informing a brief biography, contact information, and the URL of the ORCID. The works will be published in continuous flux grouped in two editions per year, conditioned to the policy adopted by the Editorial Team in observance of the journal's qualification criteria. REVICE believes in the capacity and autonomy of the student's scientific production and, therefore, accepts texts from undergraduate authors onwards, being relevant the quality of the work beyond the academic qualification. Articles written in co-authorship must follow all the rules defined above for each of its authors. Personalities with notorious knowledge and reference in the area of the Journal may be invited by the Editorial Board to publish papers. Papers will be accepted with up to 3 (three) authors. REVICE values the expansion of scholarly communication, overcoming geographical and financial barriers to ensure the free appreciation and discussion of scientific results on a global scale. Files should be submitted with only the title of the paper (e.g. title.doc), with the intention of not allowing the identification of the authors both in the file and in the body of the text. The papers will be received by the journal's direction, which will conduct a preliminary evaluation and then forward the papers to the Editorial Board, which will send them, without identification, to anonymous reviewers for a qualitative evaluation of form and content (double-blind peer review). The opinion may determine the acceptance for publication, the request for modifications or the refusal of the article. The author will have access to all the opinions about her/his work, without identification of the evaluators. Approved articles that suffer modifications as a result of the reviewers' requests should be sent to REVICE again. The final decision regarding approval for publication of the articles is made by the Editorial Board. Papers must be written in one of the following languages: Portuguese, English or Spanish and must comply with the following requirements:


1 Preliminary rules:

1.1 The Title must be in the language in which the text is written followed by the other languages accepted by REVICE (English, Portuguese and Spanish). It must be presented in Times New Roman font, size 16, centered, with only the first letter capitalized, bold  and single spaced. It is highly recommended that the title have only one line. The subtitle should be used only when indispensable and should be written in  clear and centered on a line just below the title. 

1.2 Abstract in the language of the text followed by the other languages accepted by REVICE (English, Portuguese [resumo] and Spanish [resumen]) with an extension between 200 and 250 words. It must be structured in a single paragraph after the title, font size 12, justified, single spaced, and in clear. The titles - abstract, resumo and resumen - are aligned to the left, without indentation, in size 12, bold. 

1.3 From 3 to 5 keywords, separated by semicolons (;), with only the first letter capitalized, in the language in which the text is written followed by the other languages accepted by REVICE (English, Portuguese [palavras-chave] , and Spanish [palabras clave]). They must be presented in size 12 font, single-spaced, justified and in clear. The titles - keywords, palavras-chave e palabras clave - are aligned to the left, without indentation, in size 12, bold. 

1.4 Title, abstract and keywords must be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish.


2 Formal structure of the body text:

2.1 Paper Size: A4.

2.2 Text editor: word.doc.

2.3 Font: Times New Roman, 12.

2.4 Margins: top and left 3 cm, bottom and right 2.5 cm.

2.5 Paragraph: indentation of 1.5; anterior and posterior spacing: 0 point.

2.6 Between lines: 1.5 for body text.

2.7 Alignment: justified.

2.8 Epigraph: optional; italics, right alignment and before the beginning of the body text.

2.9 Progressive numbering of sections:

1 Primary section - only the first letter capitalized and in bold

1.1 Secondary section - only the first capitalized letter and in clear

1.1.1 Tertiary section - only the first capitalized letter and in italics Quaternary section - only the first capitalized letter and underlined Quinary section - only the first capitalized letter

2.10 Use of emphasis throughout the text: italics in foreign words, titles of books, newspapers, articles, theses, among others. Only exceptionally should italics be used to emphasize words and expressions.

2.11 Papers extension:

  • Articles: between 15 and 25 pages, including text and bibliographic references. The possibility of publishing articles longer than 25 pages will be evaluated by the editors, but this is explicitly discouraged.
  • Essays: between 10 and 20 pages, including text and bibliographical references. The possibility of publishing essays longer than 20 pages will be evaluated by the editors, but this is explicitly discouraged.
  • Reviews: between 05 and 10 pages, including text and bibliographical references.
  • Translations: free.
  • Historical memories: free.

2.12 The manuscript must comply with the rules of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association, with author-date citation system and use of bold being the only two exceptions.


3 Footnotes, citations and references

3.1 Footnotes: should also be used for comments on the text. Justified, size 10 and single spaced. 

3.2 Direct quotations of up to 3 lines should be made in the body of the text. Direct quotations that exceed 3 lines must be made with indentation, separated from the paragraph by a vertical space (1.5 pt) with size 10, justified, simple spacing, 4cm indentation from the left margin, without inverted commas, without defense (indentation) of paragraph, with full stop. When the quotation is closed, give one line (1,5 pt space) before resuming the text.

3.3 Citation references: must be presented in the footnote, always including the indication of the page of the work cited, referenced or consulted [in the case of indirect citation of articles the indication of the page is optional].

3.4 REVICE supports efforts related to the visibility of women in the sciences. Therefore, the first citations in footnotes and the references at the end of the article should contain the name of the authors, not only their initials. 

3.5 The title of the work - book or journal/journal - should be presented in italics and should follow the model below:

Books by one (or more) authors:

- first citation (in footnote):

CARVALHO, Orlando Magalhães. Caracterização da Teoria Geral do Estado. Belo Horizonte: Kriterion, 1951, p. 55-56. 

- from the second citation on (in footnote):

CARVALHO, Caracterização da Teoria Geral do Estado, cit., p. 55-56. 

- in the final bibliography:

CARVALHO, Orlando Magalhães. Caracterização da Teoria Geral do Estado. Belo Horizonte: Kriterion, 1951.


- first citation (in footnote):

MOUFFE, Chantal. Sobre o político. Trad. Fernando Santos. São Paulo: Editora WMF Martins Fontes, 2015, p. 38.

- from the second citation (in footnote):

MOUFFE, Sobre o político, cit., p. 38.

- in the final bibliography:

MOUFFE, Chantal. Sobre o político. Trad. Fernando Santos. São Paulo: Editora WMF Martins Fontes, 2015.


- first citation (in footnote):

AMAT Y LEÓN, Joan Lara (Org.). La ciudanía y lo político; ciudadanía y crisis de la democracia liberal en un mundo en transformación. Lima: ONPE, Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas y Escuela de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2020, p. 54. 
- from the second citation (in footnote):

AMAT Y LEÓN, La ciudanía y lo político, cit., p. 54. 

- in the final bibliography:

AMAT Y LEÓN, Joan Lara (Org.). La ciudanía y lo político; ciudadanía y crisis de la democracia liberal en un mundo en transformación. Lima: ONPE, Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas y Escuela de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2020.

Book chapter:

- first citation (in footnote):

CARDOSO, Renato César. Más allá de las dos culturas. In: MAYOS SOLSONA, Gonçal; CARDOSO, Renato César; HENRIQUE JÚNIOR, Moacir (Org.). Interdisciplinaridade e Interconstitucionalidade 2. Uberlândia: LAECC, 2019, p. 207-208. 
- from the second citation onwards (in footnote):

CARDOSO, Más allá de las dos culturas, cit., p. 207-208.  

- in the final bibliography:

CARDOSO, Renato César. Más allá de las dos culturas. In: MAYOS SOLSONA, Gonçal; CARDOSO, Renato César; HENRIQUE JÚNIOR, Moacir (Org.). Interdisciplinaridade e Interconstitucionalidade 2. Uberlândia: LAECC, 2019, p. 183-208.

Journal's article:

- first citation (in footnote):

ÁLVARES, Lucas Parreira. Uma breve história das Ciências do Estado. Revista de Ciências do Estado, Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1,  p. 14, 2016.

 - from the second citation onwards (in footnote):

ÁLVARES, Uma breve história das Ciências do Estado, cit., p. 14.

- in the final bibliography:

ÁLVARES, Lucas Parreira. Uma breve história das Ciências do Estado. Revista de Ciências do Estado, Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 13-29, 2016. Disponível em:

3.6 References: should be placed at the end of the work in list form, size 12, left aligned, single spaced, separated by single space. The typographic resource used to highlight the title element should be italics.

3.7 Graphic elements (tables, charts, graphs, figures and maps): must be numbered in Arabic numerals in the sequence in which they appear in the text. Observe the ABNT norms for references and insertion of subtitles and sources in each element. They must be in image format in the body of the text, with one line (1.5 pt space) before and after. REVICE may request that the graphic elements also be sent together with the text, in a separate file, in the software in which they were produced.

3.8 Color and black-and-white images should be electronically scanned in .jpg format and submitted in a size that allows for expansion or reduction while maintaining legibility.

3.9 The accuracy and adequacy of references to works that have been mentioned in the text are the responsibility of the authors.



Standard section policy.


Standard section policy.


Standard section policy, paying attention to the abstract and keywords. They must contain the work reviewed after the title. The preliminary assessment by the REVICE's Direction will focus on the pertinence of the publication considering the relevance of the work; the quality and critical approach of the review; and the relevance of the work in relation to the focus and scope of the journal.


Standard section policy. They must have academic relevance and be authorized by the original author, if not in the public domain.

Historical Memories

Section intended for the record of the Historical Memory of the bachelor 's degree in Ciências do Estado from the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, the adequacy of which will be preliminarily evaluated by the Editorial Board.


Non-observance of theses rules will result in the being rejected.

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The personal data provided to REVICE will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

The works are licensed as follows: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International