The State of Unconstitutional Affairs as a strategy of institutional dialogue in the trial of the ADPF 347 MC/DF by the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil


  • Martin Magnus Petiz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Unconstitutional State of Affairs, constitutional jurisdiction, separation of powers, institutional dialogue, ADPF 347 MC


The paper analyzes the capacity of the State of Unconstitutional Affairs (USoA) to serve as a strategy of institutional dialogue in the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil in litigation trials in which it is necessary to mobilize several actors to achieve a constitutional goal. To this end, the work has the normative aspect of developing the institutional dialogue as a model of separation of powers, a structure in which the branches interact with each other in the search for the best constitutional sense, which would have an epistemic potential to suppress unconstitutional omissions. In a second moment, the ECI will be presented as a decision-making technique, through bibliographic review and qualitative jurisprudential analysis of the paradigmatic judgments of the Colombian Constitutional Court, seeking to present analytical arguments on the possibilities and limits of the institute within the separation of powers structure presented, to, then, analyze how the STF proceeded in the ADPF 347 MC. The work concludes that the ideal application of the ECI, with greater effectiveness in both a material and symbolic sense, takes place through a decision involving its tracking by the Court, with the participation of social and political actors in the formulation of public policies, which has not been effected until now in ADPF 347, urging that the Supreme Court immediately revisit the issue in a final judgment.


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Author Biography

Martin Magnus Petiz, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

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How to Cite

PETIZ, M. M. . The State of Unconstitutional Affairs as a strategy of institutional dialogue in the trial of the ADPF 347 MC/DF by the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil. Revista de Ciências do Estado, Belo Horizonte, v. 6, n. 1, p. 1–31, 2021. DOI: 10.35699/2525-8036.2021.26989. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.