Masking, Memory, and Affective Objects

A Cartography of Creation Processes


  • Anibal José Pacha Correia UFPA
  • Larissa Latif Saré UFPA



Masking, Scenic Poetics, Animation Theater


This paper presents the cartography of a set of experimentation processes with mask and masking at the Animation Theater that, throughout the artist's trajectory, gradually
consolidate the inductors, principles and procedures of a poetics of affection, encounter,
intimacy, and celebration, grounded in the construction of a state of presence and permanence, induced by affective objects and memories, but also by the intimacy and
collaborativeness of the processes. The principles of becoming minor, expanded body, attentive body, state of presence, and state of permanence stand out. A creation machine is composed that operates when the performer's body engages in intimacy and celebration with other performers and with the spectator.

Author Biographies

Anibal José Pacha Correia, UFPA

Anibal Pacha is a professor at ETDUFPA and a Ph.D. candidate in Arts (PPGARTES/UFPA). His artistic journey is primarily focused on the following themes: animation theater (direction, actor-manipulator, and puppeteer); theater (direction, scenography, costume, and props); video and cinema (direction, image direction, art direction, and costume); television (children's program Catalendas, from TV Cultura do Pará, with In Bust Teatro com Bonecos, in the role of art direction, puppeteer, scenographer, and interpreter) and visual arts. His current research focuses on the poetic potentials of masking.


Larissa Latif Saré, UFPA

Larissa Latif holds a PhD in Performing Arts (UFBA) and is a professor at ICA/UFPA, where she works in ETDFUPA and PPGARTES. Her research interests include cyborg bodies, masked bodies, and chimeric bodies, approached from the perspective of dialogue between Performing Arts, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, and Post-human Studies.



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How to Cite

CORREIA, A. J. P.; SARÉ, L. L. Masking, Memory, and Affective Objects: A Cartography of Creation Processes. PÓS: Journal of the Arts Postgraduation Program at EBA/UFMG, Belo Horizonte, v. 14, n. 32, p. 128–151, 2024. DOI: 10.35699/2238-2046.2024.52654. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 oct. 2024.


