Collection of Masks

Literality, Virtuality and Plurality of the Mask in the Game of Identities Between Modern and Contemporary Performance




Performance, Mask, Technical Images, Literality, Theater


The paper analyzes the presence and absence of the mask in Performance, both conceptually and in practical terms, in its modern and contemporary phases, seeking to establish links, based on its communicational and relational nature, with the concepts of representation and presentation, in the flow history of plastic arts in opposition to the logic of the theatrical scene and in connection with the theoretical perspectives of Charles S. Peirce's Semiotics and the philosophical thought of Vilém Flusser and finally focusing on an analytical outline of the works of ORLAN and Cindy Sherman, in their debate with women's
identity issues under the paradigmatic influence of technical images.


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How to Cite

GONZAGA, R. M. Collection of Masks: Literality, Virtuality and Plurality of the Mask in the Game of Identities Between Modern and Contemporary Performance. PÓS: Journal of the Arts Postgraduation Program at EBA/UFMG, Belo Horizonte, v. 14, n. 32, p. 175–201, 2024. DOI: 10.35699/2238-2046.2024.52673. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 oct. 2024.


