The possible Influences from Absurd Theatre in Bang Bang, by Andrea Tonacci




Absurd Theatre, Marginal Cinema, Andrea Tonacci, Bang Bang


This paper tries to detect the influences of what was considered Absurd Theatre in the cinematographic work Bang Bang, by Andrea Tonacci. To do that, it is done a comparative study between Bang Bang and some of the main works and/or characteristics of Absurd Theatre. At the end of this paper, it is presented the points where they are in conversion and those where they are divergent.



BURKMAN, Katherine H. The Dramatic World of Harold Pinter: its basis in ritual. Ohio:Ohio State University Press, 1971.

ESSLIN, Martin. Teatro do Absurdo. Trad. Barbara Heliodora e José Roberto O’Shea. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2018.

ESSIF, Les. Empty Figure on an Empty Stage: the theatre of Samuel Beckett and his generation. Indiana University Press, 2001

FERREIRA, Jairo. Cinema de Invenção. São Paulo: Max Limonad, 1986.

GOMES, Hélder. Teatro do Absurdo. Dez. 23, 2009.

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KANE Leslie. The language of silence: on the unspoken and the unspeakable in modern drama. Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 1984.

PUPPO, Eugênio; HADDAD Vera. Cinema Marginal e Suas Fronteiras. São Paulo: Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, 2001.

PINTER, Harold. The Birthday Party and The Room: Two Plays. Grove Press, 1994.

PINTER, Harold. The Caretaker. DPS, 1991.

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Bang Bang. Direção: Andrea Tonacci. São Paulo, 1971 (93 min).

Planeta dos Macacos. Direção: Franklin J. Schaffner. Twentieth Century Fox, 1968 (112 min).

Obras literárias e teatrais mencionadas neste trabalho:

A Cantora Careca, de Eugène Ionesco, 1950.

Amédée ou Como se Desembaraçar Dele, de Eugène Ionesco, 1954.

As Cadeiras, Eugène Ionesco, 1952.

As Criadas, de Jean Genet, 1947.

As Empregadas, de Jean Genet, 1947.

De Volta para Casa, de Harold Pinter, 1965.

Esperando Godot, de Samuel Beckett, 1953.

Festa de Aniversário, de Harold Pinter, 1958.

Fim de Jogo, de Samuel Beckett, 1957.

Hamlet, de William Shakespeare, 1603.

Matador, de Eugène Ionesco, 1959.

O Porteiro, Harold Pinter, 1960.

O Quarto, de Harold Pinter, 1957.

Rosencrantz e Guildenstern Estão Mortos, de Tom Stoppard, 1966.

Rosencrantz e Guildenstern Estão Mortos, de Tom Stoppard, 1966.

The Importance of Being Earnest, de Oscar Wilde, 1895.

Travestis, de Tom Stoppard, 1974.



How to Cite

SOUZA, F. F. de . The possible Influences from Absurd Theatre in Bang Bang, by Andrea Tonacci. PÓS: Journal of the Arts Postgraduation Program at EBA/UFMG, Belo Horizonte, v. 12, n. 25, p. 76–92, 2022. DOI: 10.35699/2237-5864.2022.35778. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.


