A situação do patrimônio ferroviário da cidade de Corinto (MG)
This work aims to analyze the current situation of the Railway Complex in Corinto (MG), the state of conservation of its assets as well as the measures taken to the conservation and preservation of this territory. A general survey of the complex was made, with the delimitation of the area, inventories of the remaining facilities as well as analysis of the significance, relevance and degree of integrity of the assets. Among the means sought to care for this patrimony are the Management Plan and projects for the restoration and musealization of the Complex, integrating socio-cultural and income-generating activities. In Corinto, railroad and city are intermixed, built concomitantly from the beginning of century XX. With the musealization, we intend to create effective and long-lasting ways of protecting material and non-material assets, promoting their revitalization through strategies for the public appropriation of this patrimony with visiting paths and instruments of identification, signification and interpretation.
Copyright (c) 2021 Vanessa Couto, José Eustáquio Paiva, Henrique Vianna, René Lommez, Douglas Lima

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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