Ideas to postpone the end of dreams (and dreams)

aspects of dream life for Ailton Krenak


  • Rômulo Rossy Leal Carvalho Leal Carvalho Universidade de São Paulo


The purpose of this text is to visit the way in which the theme of dreaming and dreaming is approached by the indigenous philosopher and environmentalist Ailton Alves Lacerda Krenak. As a theoretical basis, we dialogue with Karen Shihatori (2022), João Jackson Bezerra Viana (2016), Hanna Limulja (2019) and Krenak himself (2019; 2020), in an intersection with reflections woven by Sidarta Ribeiro (2019) Sigmund Freud ( 2019) and Tobie Nathan (2011). In terms of methodology, we used a bibliographical review, corroborating the relevance of “postponing the end of dreams” ⸺ Amerindians ⸺, regarding how Krenak thinks, expanding knowledge about dreams to other spaces outside universities (SANTOS, 2014) in opposition to one or more existences based on the way of being/thinking/dreaming outlined by western capitalism and colonialism.

