Panoramic analysis of the genesis of the agroecological movement in Brazil: from coloniality to decolonial ecology

da colonialidade à ecologia decolonial


  • EMERSON DA SILVA Universidade Federal da Frontiera Sul (UFFS)


This text analyzes the relationship between the establishment of the agroecological movement in the country and the process of globalization of agriculture in Brazil. The approach used is from Global History and studies of the coloniality of power. The sources used are the annals of the National Meetings of Agroecology and bibliography. The agroecological movement is understood as a social phenomenon that developed as a historical experience characterized as decolonial ecology, as it confronted the power structures of global and colonial capitalism present in the Brazilian context. It analyzes the break between the agroecological movement and alternative agriculture, highlighting the socio-historical aspects that contributed to the development of agroecology.

