"Aquela gente bárbara, inculta e ignorante da lei divina"

estruturas imperiais e linguagens de dominação na Irlanda medieval (séculos XII-XIII)



This paper aims to debate and present the political-cultural structures of domination in Ireland between the 12th-13th centuries, established through the process of conquest of the Emerald Island and its annexation by the Angevin Empire in 1171, in what is conventionally called Lordship of Ireland (Dominium Hiberniae). The aim is to demonstrate the imperialist traces of the campaign initiated by Henry II Plantagenet and its subsequent implications, based on the establishment of institutions, practices and a language of colonization materialized on two fronts: power and civility. Ultimately, this paper also seeks to debate that the foundations of the Lordship of Ireland and its eminently colonial mark were inscribed in the very material and concrete aspects of the category of imperium in the Middle Ages, that which designated, alternatively and simultaneously, an authority and a territory.

Author Biography

  • Luan Morais, Independente

    Doutor em História pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), graduado em História pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE) e mestre em História e Culturas pela mesma instituição. Pesquisador no laboratório Núcleo Dimensões do Medievo - Translatio Studii (UFF) e no Grupo de Estudos sobre Britânia, Irlanda e Ilhas do Arquipélago Norte na Antiguidade e Medievo - Insulӕ. Integrante do GT de Estudos Arturianos - Arturus Insularum.

