Entre a História e o direito: as fronteiras políticas do Império do Brasil e sua disputa com a República de Colômbia


  • Alan Dutra Cardoso


This paper aims to discuss the political conflicts engendered between the Empire of Brazil and the United States of Colombia in the second half of the 19th century. From the characteristic enclaves of decades of dispute, we will analyze the diplomatic strife involving the examination and validity of historical documents, as well as the interpretation in the field of international law, dating from the attempt to consolidate oh their domains in the border areas.. From the sources, we will undo the Historical Memory about the conflict produced by Duarte da Ponte Ribeiro, Minister Plenipotentiary of the Empire in diplomatic missions in the so-called Republics of the Pacific. With this discussion, we intend to insert the problematic of the political limits within the debates on the consolidation of the Brazilian Empire in the Second Reign, whose bases were also guidelines to ensure the broad domain of its vast territory.


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