Where do I come from, what is my past and what do I want for my future?

Memories and Identities of Luiza Erundina de Sousa (1934 -)


  • Roger Camacho Barrero Junior Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Memory and Identity are concepts often associated. When a person realize himself like woman, worker, migrant or political militant, he/she articulate his/her experiences throught your memories (and how remembers it). In this sense, the practices maintenance is also due of this articulate process, but in a colective sphere. Asserting herself like part of a group, people can remember things that were transmitted by family, friends and neighbors to differentiate herself of your around and insertting herself in another places. The external views are also formers of identities. According as individual is recognized like other, he/she reforce your origins, performing habitus that considers parts of place (or group) where she/he comes. Therefore, this article is a corrected version of a text introduced on 30 History National Symposium, in 2019. This aim is analyse how Luiza Erundina de Sousa (1934 -) articulate your experiences of gender, class and origins to understand herself like a woman, migrant, worker and militant.


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