Who do they think they are?

Calvinist identity in contemporary Brazil


  • Pedro André Sousa Peixoto Universidade Federal de Sergipe


Calvinists are the protagonists of the emergence phenomenon of Calvinism in Brazil in contemporary times. One aspect of their identity is how they identify and represent Calvinism. This is done by differentiating between Calvinists or Reformed, "we" and non-Calvinists, "others." Always to the detriment of the “others,” components of the national evangelical field, Calvinists identify themselves as the most faithful to the bible by having Calvinism as their doctrine; as defenders of a Christianity based on the sovereignty of God over all existence, as monergists; critics of Pentecostalism and “gospel worship”; pioneers in Brazil, heirs of a foreign tradition; and bearers of a comprehensive doctrine, Calvinism as a worldview vigorous enough to lead the Christianization of Brazilian society. The main sources of research are Calvinist websites and blogs, specifically their titles and the menu bar (who we are).


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