Conflitos religiosos no interior da Paraíba

O caso de Baixa Verde


  • Daniel da Silva Firino
  • Carlos André cavalcanti


This work aims to analyze, through cultural history, the attack on the Seventh-day Adventist Church (IASD) that occurred in the year 1940 in the Baixa Verde site belonging to the village of Queimadas at the time. This subject is relevant in view of the shy academic production on the history of Protestantism in Paraíba and the discussion brought about the relationship between Catholicism and Protestantism in Paraíba during the first half of the twentieth century. Eight reports of this event published in the Adventist Magazine (RA) were used as sources. The first half of the twentieth century was marked by various political and religious events in Brazil. These include the establishment of the secular state, the end of patronage, romanization and Catholic renewal. These last two were important for the formation of a Roman apostolic Catholic identity in the country. It was also a period marked by religious intolerance driven by the anti-Protestant controversy that had to be fought against Protestants, often through contempt and derision. The attack on IASD in Baixa Verde was just one of the cases in which the struggle between religious identities went beyond the theoretical sphere to physics.


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