Desaparecer de si

Uma tentação contemporânea


  • Alexia Henning Universidade Estadual de Maringá


The work analyzed is: “Disappearing from you: A contemporary temptation”, consisting of 223 pages, and is divided into 6 chapters. Throughout this review, a reference to the various forms of self-disappearance is noticeable, given the lack of desires and the loss of perspective, that is, attempts to escape from reality. Therefore, the book brings up the concept of the word “white” and Le Breton points out the variations of this concept according to the personal exhaustion of each individual, as well as exposing ways of understanding the reason why so many people are taken by “ white ”(absence), since they seek to avoid what has become heavy in their lives. The author's focus corresponds to a question about this emotional state and how the number of adherents to such practice grows more and more.


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