Dispute and conflict between socially marginalized individuals in the city of São Paulo

an analysis of the tale “Malagueta, Perus e Bacanaço” (1963), by João Antônio, and the movie A Margem (1967), by Ozualdo Candeias


  • Vinícius da Cunha Bisterço Universidade de São Paulo


This article elaborates a comparative investigation of the tale “Malagueta, Perus e Bacanaço” (1963), by João Antônio, and the movie A Margem (1967), by Ozualdo Candeias. The approximation between the tale and the movie goes by the fact that both were produce in the decade of 1960s and have socially marginalized characters as protagonists.The analysis chooses sequences from the tale and the movie in which there are conflituous situations between marginalized characters, searching to compare the formal and contextual elements in both narratives and investigate the moment in which they were produced.


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