Balance, Action and Prayer

The struggle of residents of Contagem (MG) against air pollution


  • Renata Cristina Silva Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


This article seeks to analyze the socio-environmental conflict related to the pollution involving the Cimento Portland Itaú Company localized in the district of Contagem, Minas Gerais. We could observe, by means of interviews, clippings of magazines and newspapers, oral testimonies, among other sources, that the mobilizations organized concerning the pollution issue in Contagem were demands that arose among other innumerable claims against the daily life precariousness of the Brazilian workers in the 1970s and 1980s. Increased pressure for redemocratization contributed so that several unsatisfied social groups manifested their demands in the public arena. Therefore, the socio-environmental struggles of this period integrated the emergence of new characters of the political action in Brazil that begun to claim better living and working conditions.


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