A representação do escravo negro no Brasil para alunos da educação básica de uma escola pública do Piauí


  • Márcio Douglas de Carvalho e Silva Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Bruno de Souza Silva UFPA


The way students understand the contents written in the history books, directly contributes to how they formulate their conceptions of the events that marked the history of humanity. Slavery is a hotly debated topic in history textbooks, and its consequences still reverberate in our daily lives. The image of the black slave, transmitted to students in history classes, either through the textbook or by the teacher, contributes to the way in which students formulate their representation of the daily life of the enslaved population in Brazil. The purpose of this article is to analyze how high school students represent the black slave of colonial Brazil. For that, we used as a source, nine drawings made by 2nd and 3rd year students, from a state public school in the north of Piauí. The analysis identified that students have two basic ways of representing slaves: working or suffering physical punishment, which leads us to understand that they did not establish ideas about other aspects of the experience of slaves in Brazil, such as resistance and cultural manifestations. . The African slave, in the view of the students, is a submissive and passive being in the face of the condition imposed on him.



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Author Biographies

Márcio Douglas de Carvalho e Silva, Universidade Federal do Pará

Doutorando em História Social-UFPA

Mestre em Antropologia UFPI

Bruno de Souza Silva, UFPA

Doutorando e mestre em História Social-UFPA

