Separatismo ou não-separatismo?

Diferentes ênfases e concepções historiográficas acerca da Revolução Farroupilha


  • Pâmela Cristina de Lima Universidade de Passo Fundo


The Farroupilha Revolution, or War of the Farrapos, is traditionally presented by historiography as a regional war, begun in 1835, as a Republican uprising against the imperial government, and starred by the then province of St. Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul. However, since the genesis of the revolution, there have been many controversies about their intentions and their ideals. Would it be the separatist rags? To What extent has republicanism meant brasility? Did you Seek autonomy from the province? In the present work, we discuss the conceptions about the Farroupilha Revolution. For This theoretical walk, we will use the perspectives adopted by Emílio Fernandes de Souza Docca and Alfredo Varela


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