A representação das mulheres em Histórias de Heródoto


  • Maria Alice Carvalho, M. C. Universidade de Brasília


The present article intends to explore the meaning behind the different representations of the female figure in Histories from Herodotus. His unorthodox historiographic methods allowed for many figures that until then were overshadowed to be seen as important agents in the process of “making History”. That includes immigrants, servants and, of course, women. The perceptions of different authors on this subject and its meaning to Herodotus himself will be debated. The article is, therefore, expository-argumentative, for the purpose of better textual cohesion between the topics, brief introductions will be showcased, at the beginning of every topic, explaining what will be debated, and how it relates to the central theme.


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Author Biography

Maria Alice Carvalho, M. C., Universidade de Brasília

Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8902836006180836

