Modernity embryo in thinking about Parana’s women in the Dezenove de Dezembro newspaper of the 19th century



This article makes an analysis of the conflicting idea of the women’s social role and position (an ascribed characteristic of modernity) in some pages of the first printed Paraná Province newspaper, the “Dezenove de Dezembro” (December 19th), in the second half of the 19th century. Two columns of the newspaper were used as the source of the analysis: the “Varieties” and the “Official Part”. The goal is to show the differences over the treatment that should be given to women in this period, some confused with past ideas and others pointing new ways, such as the need for education and the “small freedoms” that fashion could offer.


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Author Biography

Graciele Dellalibera de Mello, Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná e - EMBAP -Campus Curitiba I -Universidade Estadual do Paraná - UNESPAR

Professora de Artes da rede pública desde 2005, Mestra em Educação pela UFPR, linha de História e Historiografia da Educação, atualmente é professora colaboradora do curso de Licenciatura em Artes Visuais da EMBAP - Campus I - Unespar.

