A representação da mulher negra em Amor de Mãe

Camila e as possibilidades no "além"


  • Júlia Militão Siqueira Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto


Starting with all the reflections about black people in brasilians soap operas, this task proposes bild a critical analisys of five scenes of Amor de Mãe. The emotional outflow of Camila and Lurdes, in the fifth scene, will lead the way for us to think about construction of identity and difference; the coloniality of being, surronded by race and gender categories and all the “beyond” possibilities. Is sought understand the character Camila, history teacher in a public school at Rio de Janeiro’s periphery, as the one who provides self-recovering and her students empowerment, who start to understand themselves as public personas, part of the construction of their own stories, reclaiming spaces and rights. Besides that, this task points to the importance of midiatics representation, especially of television soap operas, to comprehencion and problematization of Brasil’s reality.


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