Da montação à construção definitiva:

uma análise das práticas e representações de travestis na cidade de Ituiutaba (década de 1990 a 2019)


  • Gustavo Rubbi Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Campus Pontal


Throughout history the transvestites had their bodies and identities invalidated. In order to contribute to studies on the theme of gender and to history of transvestites the present article aims to understand their practices and representations in the city of Ituiutaba. The study seeks to analyze their worldviews and how they understand that society sees them. In addition to analyzing the experiences of these historical subjects, the research aims to understand their demands and perspectives. To complete the objectives, different categories of analysis were used, between them, Reinhart Koselleck’s “space of experience” and “horizon of spectation” and Roger Chartier's concept of “representation”. The analysis procedure is based on research techniques of oral history and on a qualitative approach. We also pay attention to the evidence present in the interviewees' statements and in the singularities that marked their life experiences.


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