Lying in the Public Arena

From Hannah Arendt's Arguments to Holocaust Denial


  • Bruno Wandermurem Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)


Lying has a central place in the public arena, either at the level of institutional politics or in social practices, as has been underlined by researches in the field of the cultural history of politics. In this paper, we intend to discuss the relationship between lies and truth in politics, based on the contributions of the philosopher Hannah Arendt. As a consequence, we will focus on some specific political propositions that make use of lies as a modus operandi, especially Holocaust denial. By mobilizing a case study of denial cartoons, resorting to the documentary method, we will also aim at identifying the aspects that conform this political narrative. In the end, the essay seeks to be able to raise reflections about the diverse uses of lies, whether directed at the past or at political opponents.


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