Percepção De Professoras (Es) Da Educação Básica Sobre O Ensino Remoto No Maranhão (Br) Durante A Pandemia Da Covid-19


  • Richard Oliveira Jardim UFMA


The global phenomenon of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus brought with it sudden changes in the way of conducting work and interpersonal relationships in all sectors of society, with emphasis, in this research, on the educational system. The work is justified by the need to reflect the educational practice in atypical periods and reformulations of teaching practices. The objective of this work is to evidence the perception of basic education teachers about the adherence to remote teaching in the state of Maranhão. For this purpose, the qualitative method was used, following the following methodological procedures: survey and bibliographic review; collection of primary data from a questionnaire made available virtually through the google forms platform and disseminated in social media groups to public and private primary school teachers in the state. It was possible to identify some challenges faced by the school community, since technology is seen as an instrument that facilitates the teaching-learning process. Most schools do not have this support for offering remote classes and the teachers did not have adequate training to be teaching at a distance.


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