Produção do conhecimento sobre ações afirmativas na universidade do estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC):

um estado da arte


  • Janine Soares da de Moraes Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina UDESC
  • Ana Júlia Pacheco
  • Karla Leandro Rascke
  • Vera Márcia Marques Santos


In an attempt to understand how the University of the State of Santa Catarina (UDESC) historically constructs its inclusion and affirmative action (AA) policies, we carried out a mapping of the production of knowledge on the subject/object AA at UDESC. Our objective with this study is to build a state of the art by identifying and systematizing the knowledge made around affirmative actions at UDESC and their place in the monitoring, maintenance and improvement of policy in the institution. We aim to discuss the balances, recommendations, and considerations raised by their authors and authors, the recurring thematic choices, the conceptions of quota policies, the theoretical and methodological approaches privileged in these works. For this study, we carried out a literature search in the main databases, organizing a qualitative and quantitative survey of 51 materials, with a time frame between 1990 and 2019. We found important indicators such as the need to invest in monitoring and evaluating the AA policy


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