Rudolf Steiner’s considerations on historical knowledge

scientific responsibility and poetic narrative.


  • Henrique Garcia Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, UFTM
  • Jonas Bach Junior Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, UFTM


Inspired by the epistemological pluralism of Paul Feyerabend, this text deals with the considerations of Rudolf Steiner on History and how they are imbued with a perspective of scientific responsibility and a poetic language. We analyzed, at first, his study of history when he was inserted in the academic environment, in which he began his approach to the scientific works of Johann W. von Goethe and, as a result, his first methodological considera íons about history. Later, in the development of his own understanding of history, Steiner would have intensified these considerations in 1917, after the elaboration of a theory of knowledge and his own Antroposophy. Confronting the historical knowledge that incorporates in his narrative the impulses arising from empiricism and rationalism without taking into account the historical complexity, Steiner returned to the human being to think about the care and possibilities of the way of thinking of(s) historians(as).


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Author Biographies

Henrique Garcia, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, UFTM

Mestrando em Educação (UFTM). Bacharel e licenciado em História (UNESP, Franca). Professor de História no ensino médio técnico (Centro Paula Souza).

Jonas Bach Junior, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, UFTM

Pós-doutorado em Educação (UNICAMP). Doutorado em Educação (UFPR / Alanus Hochschule). Mestrado em Educação (UFPR). Professor adjunto da UFTM. Bacharel em Comunicação Social e licenciado em Filosofia.

