História e cinema

As representações da escravidão e do tráfico negreiro no filme Amistad de 1997.


  • Leonardo Barbosa Barros UFMA


This article proposes to analyze the social and historical representations present in the film Amistad (1997), directed by director Steven Sepielberg. The scenes, scenarios and narratives constructed by the feature film will be analyzed. It is intended to understand how the events, the historical context, the characters, the social hierarchies and values ​​of the 19th century are represented. The relationships between historical and fictional facts will also be analyzed, identifying the limits and potential of cinema as a historical source. Thus, this article intends to reinforce the importance of cinema as a historical document and producer of representations about the past, in addition to seeking to understand the values, stereotypes and worldview of filmmakers, in the period in which the film was produced.



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