A relação Aluno-Professor em tempos de Pandemia: limites e possibilidades de aprendizado na educação básico


  • Israel de Jesus Borges Almeida UEMG - Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais


The presente work seeks to understand how the relationship between students and
teachers in basic education may have suffered limits regarding the possibility of the possibility of the
teaching and learning process with the advento f the Sars Cov-19 pandemic. The methodological
course of this qualitative research considered the collection of date from works available in SciElo,
referrin to the years 2020 and 2021, as well as based on a bibliographic research on the themes
student-theacher relationship and learning in basic education. The findings show that in this
pandemic period in which remote and/or hybrid teaching was presente, school inequalities were
accentuated, as mot all students had access to digital culture. In addition, the works found emphasize
that the learning possibilities underwent a reinvention due to the need adapt to the new reality of
remote teaching.


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