Treasury administration in the captaincy of Bahia:

the collection of the tax for the payroll of the Islands of São Tomé and Príncipe, 1699-1724


  • Hyllo Nader de Araújo Salles Doutorando PPGHIS-UFOP


The present article is a study on the collection of the tax of 3$500 réis, charged by slaves landed in Salvador, coming from the Costa da Mina. This tax was applied to the payment of the administrative, military and ecclesiastical apparatus of the Island of São Tomé and Príncipe. The analysis will focus on the performance of the treasury institutions responsible for their administration in the captaincy of Bahia: the provedoria-mor of the State of Brazil and the customs of Salvador. Therefore, a study of treasury management, limited to Economic History. To understand the collection of the tax, we used the legislation that dealt with the matter and the correspondence exchanged between the different officers, realizing not only its structure, but the dynamics of its operation.


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